The Giving Fence
The Giving Fence started in May of 2020 and has become another way to share with others.
In May of 2020, a local woman named Amy reached out to Pastor Barry. She wanted to put out masks she made for those in need. She made them herself and restocked the fence a couple of times.
Well, that got some of us thinking...
On Mother's Day, the Sunday School kids give out flowers to all the moms at Sunday service. We had extra flowers, so we put them on the Giving Fence for local kids to give to their mothers and for any moms passing by.
We also did the same for Father's Day.
In January 2021, we started our Winter Warm Up campaign. The parishioners collected new hats, gloves, and scarves to hang on the Giving Fence for those passing by and in need. We kept it going through February.
As time went on, we thought of other ways to share with the community through the Giving Fence. We invited those passing by to participate in a Lenten journey with us. We also shared extra palms from Palm Sunday.
We celebrate holidays and special occasions with our neighborhood through the Giving Fence.
Our Winter Warm Up campaign for January and February 2023 has started.
What will we do next?